Monday, 17 September 2012

Craft Fair vs Gallery

As an Artist and general crafter I am lucky enough to have work in Galleries around Yorkshire. I also manage to find time to promote and sell my work via Fairs... This got me thinking. Which is better?

Whether selling via a Gallery or a Craft Fair you need to have a fair idea of the profit margin for each of your creations. You will need to think about how much you would have to make (sell) in order to break even…..and then, hopefully make a profit.

Merino Wool Felt Sheep Painting.

For Craft Fairs, you also need to consider the costs of transport and any packaging you may use when selling.

Extra costs could be added if you wish to use electrical items, or other displays... each fair is different, and this is something that needs to be looked into.

.....and what about Child care? Many Craft Fairs are held on a weekend.

Due to all the extra costs to consider when exhibiting at a Craft Fair it may mean that you have to re-think your prices! But will they sell??

Craft Fairs can ultimately be an excellent way to promote your work, and business. Perhaps you have your own website, or Etsy/Folksy shop? These can be mentioned with each sale that you make. Plus, these events are a great way to network with Galleries and other Artists.

So what about showing and (hopefully) selling your work through a shop?

When showing your Artwork and Craft through Galleries remember the Gallery is doing a lot of the hard work for you! There are no hidden costs, no childcare to arrange.. a simple exchange of work, and should it sell… you can reap the rewards.

Galleries generally charge a Commission on every piece you sell, which can range from 30 to 50%, so this needs to be considered when pricing your work.

Whether showing your work via a Craft Fair or within a Gallery consider all costs before you sign on the dotted line. You need to be sure and fully happy with the contract. I've heard many stories of hidden costs, and been caught out myself!

Personally, I like having the opportunity to do both, but I do like having the interaction between people who view and compliment my work. Each "Aww" and "Ooh" makes me smile....

What are your thoughts? Have you had a good experience at a Craft Fair? What advice would you give?

Until next time,

The Mucky Pup