You might of guessed by now, that here at Mucky Pup HQ we love Buttons... in fact, it's probably fair to say I'm a little Button obsessed!
So imagine my delight when I came across a new range at IKEA, featuring (you guessed it) Buttons!!
I love everything about these items, the colour, size... just look how bold the print is? Not for the faint hearted I know, but as a (currently) pink haired girl, I'm not afraid of colour.
You can buy Fabric, by the metre (see below).....
You can buy Fabric, by the metre (see below).....

However, my favourite item has to be the Rug.....
As soon as I saw this I'm sure my eyes glazed over and my mouth opened wide. I knew I had to buy one! Of course I shall tell my partner my finger accidentally clicked on the 'Add to Cart' button... everything after that would be a blur.
Sadly we live literally miles away from an IKEA, and they don't deliver everything they show online - clearly just show items you can't have for purely evil reasons.... So, I was really sad when I realised I couldn't also buy the fabric. This is only available in store, and I won't be going any time soon... One to add to the wishlist I guess!
What do you think? Do you own anything Buttony?
Until next time...
Gemma - The Mucky Pup